The rent of exhibitions

Three thematic exhibitions relating to the life and work of Jacques Prévert were conceived from facsimile of works. Jacques Prévert’s private art collection is made of rare and precious original works ; reproducing copies make their circulation easier. Fatras offers to bring advice and support in the conception of a documentary or events (contributors, shows and screenings). For any information or reservation, please  contact Fatras.

New Exhibition Les collages de Jacques Prévert

Download the presentation of Les collages de Jacques Prévert

Exhibition Le Siècle de Jacques Prévert

The five themes of the exhibition show Jacques Prévert among his friends within his cultural and political environment, an unsual and thorough portrait of the man. Commitment and humour stand as the common thread of this display. This important exhibition can be split up into different themes according to needs (October group, Prevert’s films, books, artistic workshops, etc.) or to space in the room. Download the presentation of Le Siècle de Jacques Prévert (en construction)
